Monday, June 17, 2024



Very recently, a LIE entered my mind: no one loves me because I am unlovable.

Why is that a lie?  Well, two reasons: (1) it’s not true that no one loves me and (2) it’s not true that I am unlovable.

Why is that?  The reason is that the Lord God is transforming believers (and unbelievers, too!) into His image.

So therefore, there are people in this world that have the Spirit of God in them, and have been transformed such that they can love, even me!  And, I am being transformed (sanctified) such that the Lord God is breaking off unpleasant parts of my personality.

 Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 says He who has started a good work in me will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ.   See, He won't quit!

And He's doing the same for you!

Jesus is a Savior!! He really is!!

Larry Carroll

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