Monday, November 30, 2020

Soft Hearts


Our nation is divided, our politics are divided, and our news media has reported the nation as divided along lines that are not the root of the problem.  It's not right vs. left.

The real division in this nation is between people with soft hearts, people that care for others, vs. people with hard hearts.

People with soft hearts see a need and want to meet it somehow.  People with hard hearts don't care about any of it.

People with soft hearts see many needs, such as:

Pregnant women that feel like they need to make a choice between having this baby or survival.  To them, this is not just a fetus, this is their baby.  Yet to survive - how?

People, especially children, that are hungry.

People, especially children, that are chronically sick.

People in substandard housing.

People that have disabilities.

Young girls that are ensnared in sex trafficking.

People that have suffered loss due to natural disasters, whether they be hurricanes, floods, or wildfires.

People that are troubled or depressed or somehow need psychological help.

People that are lonely.

Immigrants that need to be integrated into our culture.

And actually, we see these needs exist all over the world!

What to do?  Well, if the needy is someone we know personally, then we can personally get involved.  And that will costs us something, money most likely, probably some time, too.

Soft hearted people are the people that give!  These are the people that volunteer to visit the sick, and/or tutor the ESL classes, and/or volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, or spend time and money to make food banks work, or make pregnancy resource centers functional.

If nothing else, they donate big time!

Of course, some needs are really beyond us personally, but we still care about these people that are caught in whatever trap has them.  OK, we can make donations, even small donations like $30 / month for a needy child in a developing country.

We know that a baby in the womb is just as precious as her mother who is struggling to survive.  Both are precious.

To say people that call themselves pro-life are only anti-abortion is really wrong.

And people that are pro-choice for the most part most likely don't want to see babies die in the womb, or even at all!

Soft hearted people: come together!  Work together!  Support each other!


OK, what have I missed?

Larry Carroll