Thursday, April 28, 2022


Any relationship based on the attitude of "What's in it for me?" will fall apart quickly.  We know this intuitively.  We can picture someone relating to us this way and we see that person as a leech, trying to get from us as much as he can.  Not good.  We want out.

This is also true of a relationship with Father God.  Do people want to relate to Him just for what they can get out of it?  Say, for example, a ticket to heaven?  Why?  Just because it's better than hell?  (Well, yes it is.)  But if you can't relate to the Lord God now, then what are you going to do when you are looking at Him face to face in His kingdom?

OK, that's all good, but that's not where I'm going.

Rather, let's address a situation in which a believer is offended or hurt. He reacts.  He's angry.  He may say, "Hey, I thought my God would make things better for me."  (All better even?)

But the scripture says in John chapter 16 verse 33, " In the world you will have tribulation".  And we also know by experience that this is true.

Well then, what are all the promises of God, written in His Word, all about?  Is my life just driven by random chance, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, even though I work hard?

Or is He truly a Good Shepherd?

Well, let's look at John chapter 16 verse 33 again.  It says:

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  (NIV)


"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  (NLT)

This is Jesus talking here.

You know, there is a lot in this relationship that benefits me now!  The Lord God has filled me with His Spirit, and because the Spirit lives in me I can:

Forgive - and that's really huge!

Rejoice in the LORD no matter what - and that's huge, too!

Not worry (when I turn my eyes upon Jesus and keep looking at Him.)

Trust Him for my sustenance and comfort.

Let me add one more thing.  In Matthew chapter 13 there is the parable of the sower that sowed good seed in different soils.  Only one of the four soils was profitable.  So:

Don't let the enemy steal your life in the Spirit.

Don't let trouble poison your life in the Spirit.

Don't let circumstances deceive you with different prizes.

Hallelujah!  Jesus!!


Larry Carroll

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