Monday, August 19, 2024

To Die Is Gain


Here is an interesting verse, Philippians chapter 1, verse 21:

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  TO DIE IS GAIN!  Imagine that!  OK, why is that?

Well, part of the reason is spelled out very clearly in Psalm chapter 16, verse 11:

"You will show me the path of life;

In Your presence is fullness of joy;

At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

IN YOUR PRESENCE IS FULLNESS OF JOY!!  In Father God's presence is fullness of joy!

Can we experience this now?  Yes, but there are numerous distractions, alas.  But yes!

OK, speaking for myself, this may sound a bit strange but;

My family loves me and I love each of them (to the moon and back!! You know what I mean?) When I die my family will miss me, but I won't miss them, because I'll be overcome/overwhelmed by the wonderful, joyful presence of Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!  I hope you can understand what I am saying here.

Here's a quote from A. W. Tozer:

"...we have such a short time to prepare for such a long time. By that I mean we have now to prepare for then. We have an hour to prepare for eternity. To fail to prepare is an act of moral folly. For anyone to have a day given to prepare, it is an act of inexcusable folly to let anything hinder that preparation. If we find ourselves in a spiritual rut, nothing in the world should hinder us. Nothing in this world is worth it. If we believe in eternity, if we believe in God, if we believe in the eternal existence of the soul, then there is nothing important enough to cause us to commit such an act of moral folly."

From his book, "Rut, Rot or Revival: The Condition of the Church, 87-88.


Larry Carroll

Monday, June 17, 2024



Very recently, a LIE entered my mind: no one loves me because I am unlovable.

Why is that a lie?  Well, two reasons: (1) it’s not true that no one loves me and (2) it’s not true that I am unlovable.

Why is that?  The reason is that the Lord God is transforming believers (and unbelievers, too!) into His image.

So therefore, there are people in this world that have the Spirit of God in them, and have been transformed such that they can love, even me!  And, I am being transformed (sanctified) such that the Lord God is breaking off unpleasant parts of my personality.

 Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 says He who has started a good work in me will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ.   See, He won't quit!

And He's doing the same for you!

Jesus is a Savior!! He really is!!

Larry Carroll

Fully God And Fully Man


Jesus was fully God and fully Man.

However, there is disagreement about whether Jesus did miracles as God or as Man.

For if Jesus did miracles as God that’s loving and wonderful, but if Jesus did miracles as Man, then other people can, too.

So, Elijah was a man just like us, and in the Bible, in First Kings chapter 17, he prevailed upon the Lord to raise a boy from the dead.  Elisha also did the same in Second Kings chapter 4.

In the book of Acts chapter 9, we read that Peter called on the Lord God to raise Dorcas from the dead, and she came back from the dead.

Also, Peter and John in Jerusalem in Acts chapter 3, and Paul and Barnabas in Lystra in Acts chapter 14, spoke healing to crippled men who were then instantly healed.

This doesn’t prove anything about Jesus. No, it doesn’t, however, we see a clear pattern set, which includes us!  Hallelujah!

Larry Carroll

Monday, March 4, 2024

He Cares For Us

He invites us to cast all our care on Him, for He cares for us.

He invites us to come boldly to His throne of grace, for He cares for us.

He assures us that we don't need to be anxious about anything, for He cares for us.

He says He forgives ALL our iniquities, and heals ALL our diseases, for He cares for us,

Why does He care for us?  Because He IS Love!  So He can identify as Father to us!  Do you understand?

And Father demonstrated His amazing love for us by sending Jesus Christ, who is the express image of Father.  Jesus said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father."

Larry Carroll

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Abide In Me (Jesus)


Gospel of John chapter 15, verse 7:

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.   (Read the whole chapter.)

This may sound like abiding in Christ, and having His words abiding us, is a means to an end.

But no, it’s a wonderful end in itself. It’s where we want to be. For in His presence is fullness of joy, as written in Psalm 16 verse 11.  He loves us!  And He wants us to love Him back.  How?  Cry out to Him to save you and to draw you close to Himself!

Larry Carroll