"I'm not a bad person. I never killed anyone."
How many of you have heard something like that from someone? And the next thing said is, "So why do I need a savior?"
This could explain why Jesus said the tax collectors and prostitutes enter the Kingdom of God before the Pharisees, that is, before the law-abiding people. If one doesn't know he or she needs a savior, needs Jesus, that person is going to be content just to live a life of self-fulfillment.
But God...
But the Lord God loves people too much to let them drift along like that, without any awareness of their peril. He will reveal Himself, whether they like it or not, even more so if you are praying for them. And you may recall what happened to Saul/Paul, how he was knocked to the ground and heard Jesus' loving confrontation. The believers were praying intensely! (Acts 9)
He'll do that with your loved ones, too. Because He loves them!
Larry Carroll